Saturday, August 20, 2016


I am covered in rage, 
It wraps around me like a quilt,
It chokes me like a garrote,
Each square is something that has gone horribly wrong,

One square is doing more than my share,
Another is that I shared and swallowed,
Here's one for broken promises and scorned trust,
On and on they connect together,

Layers cover me now, 
I burn beneath its bulk,
My heart is beating loudly in every part of my body,
I hear it through the quilt,

This rage will not be denied, not now,
Not this time, not ever, again,
Yet somehow this rage comforts me,
Somehow it vindicates my every act,
It explains just how bad it was!

The tears now come, powerful and burning,
Tears of lost trust, tears of forgotten wrongs, of obstructed dreams;

I cry, how I cry!

Like a fever breaks with sweat,
So my rage dispels with these scalding tears,

No more and never again will I allow love to be an obstacle to me,
Not even one single time will I believe I need another's love to guide me...never!